Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Advocating For Potter County

Commissioner Paul Heimel is advocating for Potter County at statewide and national levels. He was appointed to the National Veterans and Military Service Committee, a branch of the National Association of Counties (NACo), and is now the committee's vice chairman.
He is also a member of three leadership committees for the County Commissioners Assn. of Pa. (CCAP) -- Veterans/ Military Service, Assessment and Taxation, and Natural Gas Task Force. Commissioner Heimel has also presented at both NACo and CCAP training conferences on issues affecting military veterans, as well as county leadership on shale gas and environmental initiatives. Here, he receives a CCAP Excellence Award for the quarterly publication, Potter County Veterans News, which CCAP called “an effective communications tool for sharing information on available benefits and services for veterans, while raising public awareness of veterans’ issues and special events."

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