Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Heimel For Commissioner

Paul W. Heimel of Coudersport is running for re-election as a member of the Potter County Board of Commissioners, subject to the May 19 Republican Primary Election.
“I’ve been proud to be part of a board that has established a solid record and would like to continue that momentum,” he said. “We work as a team, and the record reflects that.”
A lifelong resident of Potter County, Heimel became familiar with the county and its citizens during a 20-year career with the local newspaper. He broadened his experience over the next decade in the business world as a corporate communications manager.
He was most recently elected chairman of the Pennsylvania State Land Tax Fairness Coalition. That organization is fighting for school district, county and township real estate tax relief through higher state reimbursements for state-owned land.
Soon after becoming a Potter County Commissioner in 2008, Heimel spearheaded a concerted effort to improve communications, streamline operations, and save the county money through websites and newsletters.
In response to shale gas developments, he has worked with his colleagues to organize a countywide water protection work group. He has also engaged with industry leaders, environmental groups, business owners and regulatory agencies for a broad-based perspective.
Heimel is vice chairman of the Potter County Criminal Justice Advisory Board. That organization was singled out last month for the Statewide Best Practices Award, recognizing the county’s new DUI/Drug Specialty Courts, the innovative new Women’s Residential Rehabilitation Center, and Re-Entry Services for men who are nearing their release from the Potter County Jail.
“I would like the opportunity to continue work on those and some other ongoing initiatives that our board believes are important to Potter County,” he said.
Among them are a new program to train local job-seekers with the specific skills that local employers are looking for; further development of the new Potter County Veterans Center and Potter County Education Center; innovative approaches to boost tourism at local and regional levels; stronger partnerships with township and borough leaders for community development activities, and continued support of traditional and alternative agriculture.
Heimel is active in policy development and advocacy for the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania and is the first commissioner from Potter County to be appointed to a leadership position with the National Association of Counties, where he’s involved in advocacy for veterans, military service members, and their families.
After attending Penn State, he returned home to join the family-owned local newspaper, where he served as a reporter and editor before being hired as Adelphia’s corporate communications manager.
“This unique combination of public advocacy as a journalist, an understanding of the business world through a corporate management position, and most importantly more than seven years of experience in the commissioners’ office has prepared me for another term of service,” Heimel said.
As for volunteer service, he served for six years as a member of the Coudersport Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. He is a member of several civic organizations and serves on the governing board of the First Presbyterian Church of Coudersport.
He and his wife, Lugene, have five grown sons and five grandchildren.

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